Submission Requirements

General Requirements:

Authors may submit their citations via a Google Form on our Submission Page. Because of the nuances of fields in higher education, we have specific requirements that authors submit citations from academic publications, such as journals and university presses. These would include articles, case studies, conference proceedings, and books. For publications outside of this scope, we review on a case-by-case basis (please continue to submit your work).

All submissions must be peer-reviewed and published. We do not accept pre-print submissions at this time, though if you do have work that is vital to inform the public (such as a medical discovery recently presented), please let us know for possible inclusion in special blog posts that reach our visitors and subscribers. 

Dissertations and Theses: Published dissertations from all disciplines with peer-reviewed edits will be accepted. 

Conference Proceedings: If your peer-reviewed paper has been published as part of the conference proceeding it may be included.

Other fields that do not rely on peer-reviewed publications will be added on a case-by-case basis.  We recognize there are no concrete criteria for every potential field of study. However, we invite you to submit your work and will contact you to review your publications. 

Creative Arts: Submissions from creative arts fields are accepted from professionals working in academia whose projects would be evaluated as part of a tenure dossier. Possible scenarios include curatorial, theatre productions, dance ensembles, etc. We value all forms of intellectual and creative pursuits. Please include a website link that documents these creative enterprises so that interested individuals have an easy way to access them. If you have any more questions, please contact Chasitie Brown, project co-founder ( or Jennifer Sadler, project lead (